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Videos / Astronomy

Life In The Goldilocks Zone
As NASA’s Kepler spacecraft is constantly revealing planets beyond our solar system, it may be just a matter of time before Kepler finds its primary objective - an Earth-like planet, residing in a Goldilocks zone.

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Fukushima Earthquake Visual
A visual demonstration of the Fukushima seismic event. The first two minutes are the normal seismic activity in the region, from 1:40 and onwards is when it begins getting interesting.

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Coronal Mass Ejection, Jan. 08 2012
STEREO Behind and Lasco C2 capture a farside Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) during the early hours of Jan 8 , 2012.

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Stephen Hawking on Religion
In this brief segment from ABC News, a reporter outlines Stephen Hawking's family life before he briefly discusses his religious beliefs.

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Simulations Of Galaxy Collisions
Bolshoi is the most accurate computer simulation of the universe in the world. Enjoy these stunning visuals!

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Asteroid 2005 YU55 Passes By Earth
Asteroid YU55 passed by Earth some 201,000 miles from Earth at 3:28 p.m on Nov 8th. This is the first NASA video of YU55 as it passed between the Earth and the Moon.

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