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Videos / Astronomy

Russian Rocket Burns Up In Re-entry
Formerly thought to be a meteor shower, a Russian Rocket burned up on re-entry on January 4th, 2007 above Denver Colorado.

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SpaceShip Two
Take a ride inside SpaceShipTwo, Virgin Galactic's sub-orbital tourist craft.

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Virgin & Spaceship One
Short segment about Virgin, Spaceship One and the future of space tourism.

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Tour of the International Space Station
Take this NASA tour to learn more about one of the most challenging projects in the history of exploration!

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NASA's Next Moon Mission
A demo video of NASA's next rocket/lander the CEV ARIS brings the projected 2018 moon mission to life.

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Solid Rocket Booster Seperation And Descent
Amazing video captured by the cameras on the side of the Solid Rocket Boosters (SRBs) as they plunge back to Earth. Video filmed Atlantis flight STS-115.

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