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Videos / Astronomy

Images of Enceladus
The Cassini probe made flybys of Saturn's moon Enceladus on the 9th and 31st October 2008. This is the footage that the probe captured.

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Buran - Soviet Space Shuttle
The Buran was the Soviet Union's version of the Space Shuttle. It only completed one unmanned spaceflight in 1988 before it was decommissioned.

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Aesthetics and Astronomy
Every year, hundreds of astronomical images are released to the general public by the many telescopes on the ground and in space. Including Chandra, Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes. How does the public perceive these images?

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Aurora Australis Viewed From Space
The Aurora Australis (Southern Lights) was filmed Sept 17, 2011 as the International Space Station flew from Madagascar and past Northern Australia.

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How Toilets Work In Space
This funny and informative video clip explains two common space-related questions - how do toilets work in space? And where do shooting stars come from?

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Quantum Levitation
A demonstation of a quantum superconductor locked in a magnetic field by quantum levitation.

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